British Blonde
Elite Beef Sires
- Aberdeen Angus
- Bazadaise
- Beef Shorthorn
- Belted Galloway
- British Blonde
- British Blue
- British White
- Charolais
- Devon
- Dexter
- Galloway
- Gelbvieh
- Hereford
- Highland
- Limousin
- Lincoln Red
- English Longhorn
- Lowline
- Luing
- Minature Hereford
- Murray Grey
- Parthenaise
- Red Poll
- Salers
- Simmental
- South Devon
- Speckle Park
- Sussex
- Wagyu
- Welsh Black
- White Park
Beef for the Dairy herd
Hadley HANK
British Blonde
£ 10.00- Calving survey on 50 progeny showed only 1 hard calving and no lost calves
- Average Gestation Length of 287 days