Bradash APEX



British Friesian

Bred in the UK Bred in the UK
Genomic Sire
HB: 20162749301785
BetaCasein: N/A
AI Code: BF1213
KappaCasein: N/A
£10.00 for
Delivery options
Type Time Price
Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset Standard Delivery - 10 working days £45.00
The rest of England, all of Wales and most of Scotland (South of Inverness) Standard Delivery - 10 working days £55.00
Isle of Wight Up to two weeks £70.00
Highlands and Islands Standard Delivery - 10 working days £90.00
Urgent - England, Wales and most of Scotland (south of Inverness) 1-2 days £70.00
Urgent - Highlands and Islands 1-2 days £115.00
Genus Semen is shipped to Genus Towcester weekly, arriving on Friday £20.00

*For orders of 75 or more, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • Strong maternal family; dam is BFE95(6) and averages 8277kg in 298 days at 5.0% fat and 3.6% protein
  • All round production improver
  • Daughters should be tall and powerful with great rumps


Sire: Aintree Bombardier

Dam: Bradash Apeldoorn 23 CP LP50 SP BFE95(5) by Lakemead Randolf

MGD: Bradash Apeldoorn 18 LP60 BFE92(4) by Bradash Tournament

Production Traits AHDB 08/24

PLI PLI Rel. Milk kg Fat kg Fat % Ptn % Rel.
£41 66% 233 5.7 8.7 -0.06 0.01 68%

Autumn Calving Index (ACI) & Spring Calving Index (SCI) AHDB 08/24

ACI SCI Index Rel.
127 124 66%

Management Traits AHDB 08/24

Trait Value Rel.
HealthyCow -26 61%
SCC (%) 5 71%
Mastitis (%) 0 70%
Lameness Index -3.4 55%
Digital Dermatitis -1.1 54%
Calf Survival 2.1 57%
Lifespan (days) 3 63%
Fertility Index -2.5 64%
Direct Calving Ease 0.2 64%
Maternal Calving Ease -0.1 54%
Gestation Length 1.0 99%
TB Advantage 1.2 52%
Dairy Carcase Index 1.6 75%
Maintenance 16
EnviroCow 0.1 68%
FeedAdvantage N/A
  • Strong maternal family; dam is BFE95(6) and averages 8277kg in 298 days at 5.0% fat and 3.6% protein
  • All round production improver
  • Daughters should be tall and powerful with great rumps


Sire: Aintree Bombardier

Dam: Bradash Apeldoorn 23 CP LP50 SP BFE95(5) by Lakemead Randolf

MGD: Bradash Apeldoorn 18 LP60 BFE92(4) by Bradash Tournament

Type Traits Holstein UK 08/24 - 56% Rel.

Trait -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Type Merit Poor
0.43 Excellent
Mammary Poor
0.60 Excellent
Legs & Feet Poor
-0.43 Excellent
Stature 136 cm
1.92 160 cm
Chest width Narrow
0.45 Wide
Body depth Shallow
0.55 Deep
Rib Structure Tight Ribbed
0.86 Open rib
Rump angle High Pins
0.23 Low pins
Rump width Narrow
1.81 Wide
Rear leg side Straight
-0.19 Sickled
Foot angle Low
0.39 Steep
Fore udd att Loose
0.06 Tight
Rear udder ht Very low
1.04 Very high
Udder support Broken
0.43 Strong
Udder depth Below hock
0.10 20cm above
Front teat pl Outside
0.10 Close
Teat length Short
0.81 Long
Rear teat pl Apart
0.54 Close
Teat pos side Close
0.26 Apart
Temperament Poor
1.13 Good
Ease of milk Slow
-0.09 Fast
Locomotion Poor
-0.52 Excellent
Cond score Low
-0.18 High