Bushlea BIG TOP ET sexed




Bred on Jersey Island
Young sire
HB: 68000000798071
BetaCasein: A2A2
aAa: 156234
AI Code: J2986
KappaCasein: N/A
  • Backed by 8 generations of EX cows
  • Outstanding with +2.0 for Type and +21.5 JUI
  • Semen is very limited


Sire: River Valley Circus Craze-ET

Dam: Bushlea Val Belle EX92 by All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET

MGD: Bushlea Nathan Belle 2 EX94 by Wetumpka Lenvig Nathan-ET

Production Traits AHDB 12/24 - Pedigree Index

PLI PLI Rel. Milk kg Fat kg Ptn.kg Fat % Ptn % Rel.
£166 32% 508 14.6 13.0 -0.20 -0.10 32%

CDCB Management & Composite Indexes CDCB Summary 12/24 - genomic data

Value Rel.
+2.6 76%
3.02 77%
+0.0 76%
+0.0 76%
+0.6 74%
+0.2 74%
-0.2 74%
+2.1 74%
-0.8 74%
  • Backed by 8 generations of EX cows
  • Outstanding with +2.0 for Type and +21.5 JUI
  • Semen is very limited


Sire: River Valley Circus Craze-ET

Dam: Bushlea Val Belle EX92 by All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET

MGD: Bushlea Nathan Belle 2 EX94 by Wetumpka Lenvig Nathan-ET

Type Traits AJCA Type 12/24 (80% Rel.) - genomic data

Trait -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Feet & Legs
Stature Short
2.0 Tall
Strength Frail
0.5 Strong
Body depth Shallow
0 Deep
Dairy form Tight
2.1 Open rib
Rump angle High pins
-0.1 Low pins
Thurl width Narrow
0.8 Wide
Rear leg side Posty
-0.3 Sickled
Rear leg rear Hock in
0 Straight
Foot angle Low
1.1 Steep
Fore udder att. Weak
1.7 Strong
Rear udder ht. Low
3.0 High
Rear udder wd. Narrow
2.0 Wide
Udder cleft Weak
1.8 Strong
Udder depth Deep
1.8 Shallow
Front teat pl. Wide
1.4 Close
Rear teat pl. Wide
1.0 Close
Teat length Short
1.6 Long