Oakalby BREAKAWAY sexed


British Friesian

Bred in the UK Bred in the UK
Young sire
HB: 20221233605692
BetaCasein: A1A1
AI Code: BF1290
KappaCasein: AA
  • Outcross pedigree - Wilowna Excelsior son from a 94 point 6E Oakalby Moray Firth daughter
  • Three latest generations of the maternal line average 9 completed lactations
  • Dam's 10 lactations average 8970kg in 296 days at 4.0% Fat and 3.3% Protein


Sire: Wilowna Excelsior BFE90

Dam: Oakalby Firth Britto 39 LP90 SP BFE94(6) by Oakalby Moray Firth BFE91

MGD: Oakalby Vienna Britto 34 LP50 BFE90 by Langley Vienna

Production Traits AHDB 12/24 - Pedigree Index

PLI PLI Rel. Milk kg Fat kg Ptn.kg Fat % Ptn % Rel.
£-127 41% -240 -8.9 -6.3 0.03 0.03 46%
  • Outcross pedigree - Wilowna Excelsior son from a 94 point 6E Oakalby Moray Firth daughter
  • Three latest generations of the maternal line average 9 completed lactations
  • Dam's 10 lactations average 8970kg in 296 days at 4.0% Fat and 3.3% Protein


Sire: Wilowna Excelsior BFE90

Dam: Oakalby Firth Britto 39 LP90 SP BFE94(6) by Oakalby Moray Firth BFE91

MGD: Oakalby Vienna Britto 34 LP50 BFE90 by Langley Vienna

Type Traits Holstein UK 12/24 - Pedigree Index

Trait -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Type Merit Poor
-0.68 Excellent
Mammary Poor
0 Excellent
Legs & Feet Poor
0 Excellent
Stature 136 cm
0 160 cm
Chest width Narrow
0 Wide
Body depth Shallow
0 Deep
Rib Structure Tight Ribbed
0 Open rib
Rump angle High Pins
0 Low pins
Rump width Narrow
0 Wide
Rear leg side Straight
0 Sickled
Foot angle Low
0 Steep
Fore udd att Loose
0 Tight
Rear udder ht Very low
0 Very high
Udder support Broken
0 Strong
Udder depth Below hock
0 20cm above
Front teat pl Outside
0 Close
Teat length Short
0 Long
Rear teat pl Apart
0 Close
Teat pos side Close
0 Apart
Temperament Poor
0 Good
Ease of milk Slow
0 Fast
Locomotion Poor
0 Excellent
Cond score Low
0 High