
Bred in Austria Bred in Austria
Part Proven Sire
HB: 23000504442929
BetaCasein: A2A2
Ear Tag: AT 504.442.929
AI Code: SM0151
KappaCasein: AB
£12.00 for
Delivery options
Type Time Price
Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset Standard Delivery - 10 working days £45.00
The rest of England, all of Wales and most of Scotland (South of Inverness) Standard Delivery - 10 working days £55.00
Isle of Wight Up to two weeks £70.00
Highlands and Islands Standard Delivery - 10 working days £90.00
Urgent - England, Wales and most of Scotland (south of Inverness) 1-2 days £70.00
Urgent - Highlands and Islands 1-2 days £115.00
Genus Semen is shipped to Genus Towcester weekly, arriving on Friday £20.00

*For orders of 75 or more, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • At 120 gGZW, one the top bulls ever to be exported from Austria before 2019
  • Now with UK Production and Management proofs
  • Ideal for block calving herds with Gestation Length of -2


Sire: Wiscona

Dam: Brasilien by Reumut

MGD: Bayern by Rumgo

Production Traits AHDB 08/24 - 39 daughters in 14 herds

PLI PLI Rel. Milk kg Fat kg Fat % Ptn % Rel.
£192 56% 237 12.4 11.7 0.04 0.05 84%

Autumn Calving Index (ACI) & Spring Calving Index (SCI) AHDB 08/24

ACI SCI Index Rel.
139 97 56%

Management Traits AHDB 08/24

Trait Value Rel.
HealthyCow 8 23%
SCC (%) 1 55%
Mastitis (%) 1 41%
Lameness Index
Digital Dermatitis
Calf Survival
Lifespan (days)
Fertility Index
Direct Calving Ease
Maternal Calving Ease
Gestation Length -2 99%
TB Advantage
Dairy Carcase Index
EnviroCow 2.0 49%

Management Traits ZWS Austria 08/24 - genomic figures

Trait Value Rel.
Longevity 105 76%
Udder health 95 86%
SCC 97 83%
Mastitis 92 66%
Persistence 102 82%
Daughter fertility 97 76%
Direct Calving Ease 97 82%
Maternal Calving Ease 99 79%
Milking speed 109 88%
Calf vitality 100 75%
Beef index 107 77%
  • At 120 gGZW, one the top bulls ever to be exported from Austria before 2019
  • Now with UK Production and Management proofs
  • Ideal for block calving herds with Gestation Length of -2


Sire: Wiscona

Dam: Brasilien by Reumut

MGD: Bayern by Rumgo

Type Traits ZWS Austria 08/24 (86% Rel.) - genomic figures

Trait 64 76 88 0 112 124 136
Body Poor
100 Excellent
Muscularity Poor
94 Excellent
Feet & Legs Poor
101 Excellent
Udder Poor
100 Excellent
Stature Small
103 Large
Body length Short
102 Long
Rump width Narrow
95 Wide
Body depth Shallow
97 Deep
Rump angle Ascending
99 Sloped
Hock angularity Straight
107 Sickled
Hock develop Swollen
108 Dry
Pasterns Weak
98 Strong
Foot angle Low angle
102 High
F. udder length Short
106 Long
R. udder length Short
102 Long
F. udder attach. Loose
96 Tight
Susp. ligament Weak
102 Strong
Udder depth Deep
100 High
Teat length Short
108 Long
Teat thickness Thin
98 Thick
Front teat place. Wide
102 Close
Rear teat place. Outside
104 Inside
Udder cleanness Extra teats
103 Clean udder